Thursday, August 01, 2013

Well Now...

Wellness Wednesdays!!!

Love this concept that I was tagged on by one of my team members that is on the 90Day Challenge with me...Stacy Howze!

What one good thing did I do on this day to continue on my Journey to Wellness?

I stuck to my two shakes, drank plenty of water (need to measure my intake) and I did core exercises at home on my living room floor!
I had very good intentions on waking up early this morning to participate in my first spin class but my body was on some lazy sh*t and I let my mind follow...does having cramps make for a good excuse?  That is mine, so I am sticking to it!
I find that working out is going to be a hard task for me...not the working out part but finding the time as all I did today was rip and run the streets once I was up.
Allegra spent 4 hours at the beauty shop, getting her hair braided and Alexandre' had football practice.  By the time we made it home it was almost 10pm and a glass of something with a '% of alcohol content' was calling my name!
Tomorrow is another day to get it right!
I have to start budgeting my time better, time for family, household chores, working out, running errands, and last but not least....ME!!!
Again...I say, tomorrow is another day to get it right!

Hugs and Kisses

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Doing it again...RE-EVERYTHING

That is the beauty of life...
You have another chance to make things happen!
So I am going to try again, to revamp my Blog and this time...I plan NOT to fail!
One thing that I am doing, which I am extremely proud of is the 90Day Challenge.
A health and fitness platform that has been such a catalyst in me becoming better for myself and my family in more ways than one.
On July 29th, I pressed the 'RE' button so that I may document more of my 'Journey to Wellness' to be held accountable and also maybe inspire someone.
Below is the first entry I made into The Challenge's Tracker.
I am excited about the endless possibilities that I have on my day at a time.

Hugs & Kisses

Focusing Forward...
Reflecting on today and feeling positive as I decided to press the reset, redo and restart button on my 90 Day Challenge!
I can proudly say that I am 48lbs down total (with much more to go), down 3 full dress sizes, off of one Blood Pressure medication (with one more to go). I have more energy than ever, my confidence has caused me to finally get a gym membership so I can swim, take classes, and I would like to eventually lift weights!
I have taken a lot of time, thinking about what I would like to accomplish within these next 90 Days.
I am dedicating these 90 days to my Angel Mom. I was scheduled to participate in my first 5K June 24th, but did not because she suffered from a stroke the night before...I will participate in my first 5K within these 90 Days!
I plan on dropping at least, a minimum of 15lbs, so I can move away from the "Plus Size" department!
I plan on continuing to get into the best shape of my life, at the age of 44, so I can be able to engage in more activities with my 9 year old boy/girl twins...they motivate me to want more and to do more.
I am worthy of this, and so much more...spreading my wings, so I can soar!